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Eating Your Cake Too Podcast

Aug 30, 2022

Do you have something you want to ask for at work, but have absolutely NO idea where to start? Have you thought about what actions you need to start taking now in order to put your best foot forward? 

In this episode, I’ll show you some key tips to help you get what YOU want at work. I’ll share with you what to do...

Aug 16, 2022

In recent years, calls for gender equality have increased along with the need to close the gender wage gap. But even with the progress that has been made in this space,  there are still very few women in positions of leadership. 

Today, I'm sharing with you a conversation with Marcia Lawrence, a Perth-based human...

Aug 2, 2022

Do you feel stuck or unsure about your current job or career path? When you hear the word “mid-career pivot” what feelings come up for you? Excitement? Or dread, fear and anxiety? 

Almost all of us will experience feeling lost, unsure, or unmotivated at some point in our careers. And with people on average now...